Page 81 - I want to create content about steel!
P. 81

SUMMARY ⑤                                                                        Korea Iron & Steel Association

             By-product gases: valuable energy source                                                                   Blue Carbon keeping Earth going

             By-product gas is a product generated during steelmaking. Let’s find out how this gas is put to use.       Did you know that the world is getting a little warmer every year? That's because of global warming. Is there any solution to
                                                                                                                        this problem that is only getting worse? Blue carbon. Let's find out what it can do.

           They're carefully collected and reused as energy source for the steel mill
           By-product gases consist of hydrogen (H2), methane (CH4), and carbon monoxide (CO). These gases generated during the   What causes global warming?
           iron and steel-making process are reused as energy source for steel mills, or transferred to power plants to generate electricity.
                                                                                                                     Heavy use of fossil fuels (coal) produces greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide) that cover the Earth. Because heat can't escape
                                                                                                                     into outer space, Earth’s temperature climbs, resulting in sea level rise and extreme weather and climate change. This is why
                                                               36% of by-product gases is reused
                                                                                                                     the entire world is working together to reduce greenhouse gases that cause global warming.
                                         47%                    to produce electricity. The CO2
                                                               emissions avoided in this process
                                      47% to be reused for power   is equivalent to CO2 absorbed by
                                          generation            855 million pine trees in a year.  855 million!?     Blue Carbon, the ocean's well-kept gift
                                    from 2020 and onward (estimate)
                                                                                                                     Scientists and environmentalists around the world have been looking for ways to mitigate carbon in the atmosphere to stave off
                                    36% reused for pow-  (11% sold
               50% reused for steelmaking  er generation  (to POSCO                                                  global warming. What they discovered was ‘blue carbon,’ found in marine ecosystems such as algae and shellfish. Blue carbon
                                                                                                                     can absorb more carbon from the atmosphere than trees.
             ※ Source: POSCO’s by-product gas reuse breakdown (2018)  3% sold
                                                        (to oth-
                                                                                                                      Artificial reefs build sea forests
           Filtered to produce hydrogen energy                                                                        In its effort to restore marine life and prevent further global
                                                                                                                      warming, POSCO, a Korean steelmaker, is building sea forests
           The by-product gas generated at steel mills is filtered to produce ‘hydrogen.’ Hydrogen is often regarded as the ultimate future                               Coniferous and tropical forests
                                                                                                                      using ‘triton,’ artificial reefs made from steel by-products. When   can absorb carbon for a few
           energy source because it is easily obtained by chemical decomposition of water, and is restored to water when consumed by                                                               To control global
                                                                                                                      algae attach to artificial reefs, through photosynthesis, they can   hundred years at most; but blue   warming, it sounds
           binding with oxygen. Hyundai Steel, a South Korean steelmaker, is producing 99.999% pure hydrogen by recycling by-product                                       carbon can soak it up for
                                                                                                                      absorb 3 to 16 tons of carbon per year/10,000 m².                           like we need to grow
           gas at Dangjin Steelworks.                                                                                                                                     thousands of years. Moreover,   forests in the ocean
                                                                                                                                                                           given the square footage,   as well as on land.
                                      Electricity                                                                                                                        marine life has more absorption
                                                                                                                                                                             power than forests.
                               gases                   Fuel cell power plant  Electricity

                                                                                                                       Algae planted in   Artificial reefs   Seaweeds grow and
                  Steel mill         Hydrogen plant                                                                     artificial reefs  installed under water  sea forests flourish

                                                       Hydrogen charging   Hydrogen  Hydrogen EV
           A piece of                                      station                                                          A piece of
           knowledge                                                                                                        knowledge

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